Reliability Gang Podcast
Welcome the #Reliabilitygang Podcast! I would like to welcome you all to my reliability journey. I am passionate about reliability and I want to share as much as I can with everyone with my experiences. Stories are powerful and my aim of this outlet is to gather as many insights and experiences and share them with the world. Thanks for joining the #reliabilitygang.
Reliability Gang Podcast
Welcome back to another episode of the reliability gang podcast, this week we talk about reliability and the Roadmap of where to begin and how to actually ensure a effective strategy can make change within an organisation.
We talk about how reliability can be the glue that binds all the departments together for a goal that everyone can benefit from.
We touch on our new accreditation from Mobius Institute and how the ARP courses provide great guidance and knowledge on Reliability and how it can change the Industries and cultures of UK Manufacturing.
We hope you enjoy this weeks edition, please make sure you subscribe to our podcast on your choice of platform below!